Adjetey Anang Considers Political Endorsements After Declining In The Past


Despite revealing in his book, ‘Adjetey Anang: A Story of Faith, Imperfection, and Resilience,’ that he turned down a tempting offer from a ruling party to support their presidential candidate, Ghanaian actor Adjetey Anang has revealed that he would reconsider his decision.

In a recent interview on Joy Fm, the actor popularly known as ‘Pusher’ suggested that he may have a different perspective on such opportunities if they were presented to him in recent time

“[If they came today], we might look at a few considerations. At the time it was a different period. And so I think that we’ve come far, as a people. We’re still very sensitive where we have accepted the fact that people have had the choice to come out boldly and choose a political party, even though it’s still early days yet but we’re still not like places like the US,” he revealed.

READ MORE: A political party in which I had many friends approached me to endorse the campaign of their flagbearer – Adjetey Anang discloses in memoir

In the present day, Anang indicated that he might consider a political offer with a few considerations in mind.  He stated, “Today, with a few things, we’ll consider,”

In his book, ‘Adjetey Anang: A Story of Faith, Imperfection, and Resilience,’ the actor shares details about the tempting proposal that came his way a few years back.

Although Anang did not specify the exact year of the offer, he mentioned that it came from a ruling party at a time when he was facing financial challenges.

The party was willing to provide him with substantial incentives, including a car and a sum of $50,000, among other perks, in exchange for his endorsement of their campaign.

His candid reflection in his book has endeared him to the public and fans alike as he shared the inner struggle and tough choices that celebrities like himself may encounter when approached by political parties seeking their endorsement.

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