Fans of popular reality show, Perfect Match Xtra House, have taken to social media to express their outrage over the alleged mistreatment of housemate Grace by her fellow contestants.
The fervour among viewers reached its peak as comments demanding justice for Grace trended on various platforms.
The social media storm was sparked by numerous incidents of what fans perceived as unfair treatment towards Grace.
Viewers voiced their concerns, calling for action from Big Mama and TV3, the show’s organizers, to address the alleged abuse and create a healthier environment for all participants.
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An online fan, @a.s_4short, expressed their disappointment, stating, “They’re treating the girl so badly, and they don’t even see anything wrong with it. Grace is always unhappy and uncomfortable. What’s this? We can’t waste our bundles to watch them treat Grace like that. She’s human. JUSTICE FOR GRACE.”
Another viewer, @mimidrizle, directed their plea to TV3, questioning the housemates’ use of phones inside the house and demanding an apology from Sandra for derogatory remarks made about Ghanaians.
The post read, “TV3, you need to address the issue of abuse in the Perfect Match Xtra House. It’s not healthy for Grace. Why do you allow the housemates to abuse her in that manner? Please address it; it’s becoming unbearable.”
The outcry on social media has also raised concerns about the alleged use of phones by some contestants, a violation of the show’s rules.
Fans urged TV3 to investigate the claims and take appropriate action to maintain the integrity of the competition.
The sentiments echoed by fans were echoed by @may_cassy, who pleaded with Big Mama to intervene, stating, “Please, we can’t be watching these girls treat Grace like a slave. This is too much. Please talk to the girls, Big Mama. Why are they treating her like that?”
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Perfect Match Xtra is yet to issue an official statement in response to fans’ outcry.
As the tension continues to rise inside the Perfect Match Xtra House, fans eagerly await a response from Big Mama, hoping for a resolution that will restore harmony and fairness among the housemates.
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