Bambu Heritage Productions, the renowned producers of the acclaimed Ghanaian historical theatre project WogbeJeke, is set to unveil its latest endeavour, The Mansa World, at the prestigious UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
The highly anticipated launch is scheduled to take place on May 25, 2023, as part of the Africa Day celebrations.
The highlight of the event will be a grand theatrical performance, providing a captivating preview of The Mansa World.
The production will feature an impressive ensemble of 60 cast and crew members from Ghana, led by Chief Moomen, the visionary behind the project.
The Mansa World, an ambitious initiative by Bambu Heritage Productions, aims to curate African history and heritage through an array of captivating content for global audiences. At the forefront of this venture is a spectacular 3-part epic theatrical production, boasting a remarkable cast of 500 individuals.
The production will shed light on the fascinating story of Mansa Musa, the legendary king of the ancient Mali Empire, within the historical context of the West African empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.
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This launch marks a significant step in the lead-up to an official partnership between UNESCO and Bambu Heritage Productions.
The partnership aims to promote The General History of Africa, UNESCO’s groundbreaking flagship program on African history.
Distinguished guests and senior officials from UNESCO will grace the occasion, including Ms. Stephania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, and Mr. Firmin Edouard Matoko, Assistant Director-General for Priority Africa and External Relations.
The event will also be attended by various ambassadors and delegations from member states. Notably, a high-level delegation from Ghana, led by a senior state official, is expected to be present, further highlighting the significance of this momentous occasion.
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The launch of The Mansa World at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris not only symbolizes the global recognition of African heritage and history but also showcases the rich cultural contributions of Ghana to the world stage