Home Lifestyle Travel We are happy if the government will like to take these cars to a museum and offer us new ones – Wanderlust Ghana

We are happy if the government will like to take these cars to a museum and offer us new ones – Wanderlust Ghana


In the wake of their triumphant arrival in London, a chorus of well-meaning Ghanaians has extended a heartfelt plea for the vehicles that bore witness to this remarkable voyage to find a permanent place of honour in a museum.

Responding to this outpouring of support, the Wanderlust Ghana crew has openly embraced the suggestion.

Speaking with Berla Mundi on TV3, the team members shared that they would be willing to part ways with the vehicles if the government was willing to offer them new ones in exchange.

“Most of the cars are coming to Ghana to the best of my knowledge. And we are happy to partner with anyone who wants to put them in a museum even if it’s going to raise money for a good cause and there are replacements that we will use to pursue our daily lives, why not we are interested,” shared the Wanderlust Ghana team.

READ MORE: We approached Kantanka for a meeting, but we didn’t get any support from them – Richard Anim, Wanderlust Ghana

The team, composed of 12 intrepid adventurers, embarked on the unprecedented expedition that transcended borders and redefined limits.

They include Richard Anim, Kwadwo Saka, Kwame Peprah, Kofi Peprah, Kwadwo Prakah-Asante, Franklin Peters and his son Quincy, Joseph, Cyprian Ed, Kwabena Ayirebi, his brother Kojo, and the sole female driver, Nana Afua Serwaa.

Their cars, now infused with the memories of an incredible journey, may find a new home where their story can continue to inspire.

“These are our personal cars so if the museums will like to have them, we are happy if the government will like to take these cars and offer us new ones,” a member of the team disclosed.

Their remarkable journey, which commenced in Accra, unfolded across five African countries — Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Senegal, Mauritania, and Morocco — each new horizon revealing a tapestry of landscapes, cultures, and experiences.

Crossing into Europe by ferry on the Mediterranean to Algeciras in Spain, the team continued their drive to Barcelona via Valencia.

As they made their way across continents, they were hosted by Dr. Victor Bampoe and Ambassador Emmanuel Asiedu Antwi in Geneva, a moment captured in the vibrant experience of a “fufu party.”

In the true spirit of community, their arrival at Ashford Kent Outlet Mall in London on Sunday, August 6, 2023, was marked by a joyous welcome party hosted by Ghanaians living in the UK.

As their vehicles stand poised to embark on a new phase, the road ahead may hold many uncertainties and it is unclear if the government will heed their calls but their voyage has shown that the spirit of exploration and the heart of collaboration can propel humanity to a new horizon.


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