Home Reality Shows Perfect Match Xtra Video: Fans react to Bebelino and Grace’s sinking ship, blame Bebelino for flirting with Brownie
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Video: Fans react to Bebelino and Grace’s sinking ship, blame Bebelino for flirting with Brownie


The latest happenings in the #PerfectMatchXtra house have got fans shocked and disappointed as the relationship between Bebelino and Grace took a tumultuous turn.

The couple after Saturday’s live eviction had been experiencing a lot of drama in their relationship which also led Grace to avoid Bebelino through the night. Bebelino sensing Grace’s anger rather decided to flirt with their new housemate, Brownie instead of placating his partner.

As the drama unfolded, fans urged Grace to assert herself and address the issues at hand. They emphasized the importance of open communication and encouraged Bebelino to take responsibility for his actions.

Many fans felt that Bebelino’s treatment of Grace was not only disrespectful but also reflected poorly on his own character.

Amidst the heated discussions, some fans acknowledged Grace’s own role in the situation, urging her to express herself more effectively and address the issues rather than succumbing to constant moodiness.

READ MORE: #PerfectMatchXtra: Bebelino’s actions leave Grace angrier than ever at Friday Night party as fans react

They also reminded Bebelino that Brownie’s attention was likely motivated by her desire to stay in the competition, cautioning him not to be misled by false intentions.

On Sunday evening the two finally had a much-needed talk, but instead of resolving their issues, it became apparent that Bebelino was gaslighting Grace and emotionally manipulating her.

The conversation unfolded with Bebelino dismissing Grace’s emotions, telling her to stop crying and acting like she was the only perfect one.

This statement struck a nerve with fans, who felt that Bebelino was invalidating Grace’s feelings and manipulating her into thinking she was at fault for their problems.

The two who have since mended the fence have still not convinced fans that they’re relationship will survive a new week.

Fans couldn’t ignore the evidence that pointed towards Bebelino’s questionable behaviour. Social media erupted with comments referencing Bebelino’s interactions with Brownie, accusing him of feeding her and pampering her in bed just a day before his talk with Grace.

This revelation left fans feeling sorry for Grace, who appeared to be blindsided by Bebelino’s actions.

The reactions from fans varied, but one sentiment remained consistent – Bebelino’s behaviour was seen as unacceptable. Many fans have expressed their disappointment and disapproval, highlighting how Bebelino seemed to be playing games with Grace’s emotions and toying with her insecurities.

Others criticized Bebelino for making promises of marriage to Grace, only to quickly change his attitude towards her upon encountering a new woman.

The sudden shift in his demeanour left fans feeling frustrated and disappointed in his character.

“Was it not the same Bebelino who said Grace made him happy always? Anaa ? He saw fresh happiness the moment Brownie showed up and started flirting with him?,” Komla Adom quizzed online.

As Perfect Match Extra continues to captivate audiences, the emotional rollercoaster of Bebelino and Grace’s relationship has sparked intense discussions among fans.

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